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Most used-car warranties only cover the engine and transmission (which rarely break down) and fail to cover things like electrical equipment that more commonly experiences problems. AB Auto Town offers a bumper-to-bumper warranty that includes equipment like your air conditioner, power windows, battery, and check engine light. Our warranty is also longer—six months to a year or even two years on most of the cars we sell. Other companies typically offer a warranty period of just one to six months. AB Auto Town is able to offer this unique service because we are so confident that the vehicle we are selling you is of top quality. (See warranty comparison chart below for coverage details.)
Our customers can also opt to purchase a warranty that covers their vehicle for up to four years or 48,000 miles beyond the starting mileage, and repairs can be made at service centers in any of the 50 states. (This warranty is offered through a third party and is not shown on the comparison charge below.) Relax. You’re completely covered with Platinum Care (a paid service from AB Auto Town)